Sunday, September 20, 2015


  1. bps: bits per second
  2.  UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair 
  3. STP: Shielded Twisted Pair 
  4. RJ-45: Registered Jack 45 
  5. ST: Straight Tip Connector 
  6. SMA: Screw Mounted Adaptor 
  7. SC: Subscriber Connector
  8.  FC: Ferrule Connector
  9.  NIC: Network Interface Card
  10.  MAC: Media Access Control 
  11. MODEM: Modulator Demodulator
  12.  TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol 
  13. ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
  14.  HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol 
  15. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
  16.  SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 
  17. POP: Post Office Protocol 
  18. PPP: Point to Point Protocol
  19.  CDP: Cisco Discovery Protocol
  20.  LAN: Local Area Network
  21.  MAN: Metropolitan Area Network 
  22. ISP: Internet Service Provider
  23.  WAN: Wide Area Network
  24.  ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency
  25.  ARPANet: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network 
  26. NSF: National Science Foundation 
  27. NSF Net: National Science Foundation Network
  28.  WWW: World WIDE Web
  29. ISOC: Internet Society
  30.  W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
  31. IAB: Internet Architecture Board 
  32. IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
  33. IESG: Internet Engineering Steering Group
  34.  IRTF: Internet Research Task Force 
  35. INIC: Internet Network Information Centre 
  36. Kbps: Kilo bits per second 
  37. ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 
  38. DSL: Digital Subscriber Line
  39.  ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
  40.  HTML: Hypertext Mark up Language
  41.  E-mail: Electronic Mail 
  42. Tel Net: Telecommunication Network 
  43. IRC: Internet Relay Chat
  44.  FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
  45.  URL: Uniform Resource Locator
  46.  UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply
  47.  CVT: Constant Voltage Transformer
  48.  MBR: Master Boot Record
  49.  BIOS: Basic Input Output System 
  50. MUK: Multimedia Upgrade Kit
  51.  3G: Third Generation
  52.  ANSI: American National Standard Institute
  53.  AP: Access Point 
  54. ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  55.  ATM: Automatic Teller Machine
  56.  AV: Anti Virus
  57.  B2B: Business To Business 
  58. BS: Base Station 
  59. BSC: Base Station Controller
  60.  BTS: Base Transceiver Station 
  61. CD: Compact Disk
  62.  CDFC: Compact Disk File System
  63.  CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
  64.  CDR: Compact Disk Rewritable 
  65. CD- ROM: Compact Disk Read Only Memory 
  66. CDR: Compact Disk Recordable 
  67. CA: Certificate Authority 
  68. CGI: Common Gateway Interface 
  69. CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-conductor
  70.  CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check 
  71. C/S: Client / Server 
  72. CSS: Cascading Style Sheet 
  73. DARPA: Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency
  74.  DBMS: Database Management System 
  75. DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  76.  DN:  Domain Name
  77.  DNS: Domain Name System
  78.  DoD: Department of Defence
  79.  DVD: Digital Versatile Disk 
  80. DVDR: Digital Versatile Disc Rewritable 
  81. DVD-ROM: Digital Versatile Disc Read Only Memory 
  82. DVDR: Digital Versatile Disc Recordable
  83.  EDI: Electronic Data Interchange 
  84. EEPROM: Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  85.  FAT: Fine Allocation Cable 
  86. FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation 
  87. FCRA: Fair Credit Reporting Act 
  88. GB: Giga Byte 
  89. GHz: Giga Hertz 
  90. GPL: General Public License 
  91. GPRS: General Packet Radio Service 
  92. GPS: Global Positioning System 
  93. GSM: Global System Mobile Communication
  94.  GUI: Graphical User Interface
  95.  HF: High Frequency
  96.  HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol 
  97. Hz: Hertz
  98.  I/O: Input / Output
  99.  ICF: Internet Connection Firewall
  100.  ICMP: Inter Control Message Protocol
  101.  IDE: Integrated Drive Electronics 
  102. IE: Internet Explorer
  103.  IIS: Internet Information Service
  104.  IM: Instant Messaging
  105.  IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol
  106.  IP: Internet Protocol
  107.  IPV4: Internet Protocol Version 4
  108.  IPV6: Internet Protocol Version 6 
  109. IPX: Internet Packet Exchange
  110.  IS: Information System
  111.  ISO: International Organization for Standardization 
  112. IT: Information Technology
  113.  JPEG: Joint Photographic Expert Group
  114.  KB: Kilo Byte 
  115. KHz: kilo Hertz
  116.  LCD: Liquid Crystal Display 
  117. LED: Light Emitting Diode 
  118. LOS: Line Of Sight
  119.  MB: Mega Byte
  120.  Mbps: Mega bit per second
  121.  MHz: Mega Hertz 
  122. MMC: Multimedia Card 
  123. MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service 
  124. MS-DOS: Microsoft Disk Operating System 
  125. NAT: Network Address Translation
  126.  IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics
  127.  NetBEUI: NetBIOS Extended Users Interface 
  128. NetBIOS: Network Basic Input Output System 
  129. NTFS: New Technology File System 
  130. OLE: Object Linking and Embedding 
  131. OS: operating System 
  132. OSS: Open Source Software
  133.  P2P: Peer to Peer
  134.  PAN: Personal Area Network
  135.  PC: Personal Computer 
  136. PDA:  Personal Digital Assistant 
  137. PDF: Portable Document Format
  138.  PKI: Public Key  Infrastructure
  139.  POPV3: Post Office Protocol Version 3
  140.  PSK: Pre-Shared Key 
  141. PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network
  142.  PUK: Pin Unlocking Key 
  143. R/W: Read / Write
  144.  RDBMS: Relational Database Management System
  145.  RIP: Routing Information Protocol 
  146. MIME: Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension 
  147. SIM: Subscriber Identity Module
  148.  SMS: Short Message Service 
  149. SSL: Secure Sockets Layer
  150.  TB: Tera Byte
  151.  TFT: Thin Film Transistors 
  152. TLD: Top Level Domain
  153.  UDF: Universal Disc Format
  154.  UDP: User Data-gram Protocol 
  155. UHF: Ultra High Frequency 
  156. USB: Universal Serial Bus
  157.  VHF: Very High Frequency
  158.  VLAN: Virtual Local Area Network
  159.  VM: Virtual Machine
  160.  VOIP: Voice Over Internet Protocol
  161.  VPN: Virtual Private Network
  162.  WAP: Wireless Access Point 
  163. WIMAX: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access 
  164. WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network
  165.  WORM: Write Once, Read Many 
  166. WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access
  167.  XML: Extensible Mark up Language
  168.  Bits: Binary Digits 
  169. EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  170.  BCD: Binary Coded Decimal 
  171. UNCITRAL: United Nations  Commission on International Trade Law
  172.  SQL: Structured Query Language
  173.  3D: Third Dimensional
  174.  4GL: Fourth Generation Language
  175.  ABC: Atanasoff Berry Computer 
  176. AI: Artificial Intelligence
  177.  ALU: Arithmetic  and Logic Unit 
  178. AM:  Amplitude Modulation
  179.  ARC Net: Attached Resource Computer Network 
  180. AT: Advanced Technology
  181.  BASIC: Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  182.  BCR: Bar Code Reader
  183.  BMP: Bitmap 
  184. BNC: British Naval Connector OR Bayonet Naur Connector
  185.  BOF: Beginning of File 
  186. CAD: Computer Aided Designing
  187.  CAI: Computer Aided Instructions
  188.  CAL: Computer Aided Learning
  189.  CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing
  190.  CAN: Computer Area Network
  191.  CAT: Computer Aided Training
  192.  CATV: Cable Television
  193.  CAVE: Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
  194.  CBE: Computer Based Education 
  195. CBT: Computer Based Training
  196. CCTV: Closed Circuit Television
  197.  CDA: Colour Display Adaptor
  198. CIS: Computer Information System 
  199. CISC: Complex Instruction Set Computer 
  200. COBOL: Common Business Oriented Language
  201.  CPAV: Central Point Antivirus
  202.  CPS: Characters Per Second 
  203. CPU: Central Processing Unit 
  204. CRT: Cathode Ray Tube 
  205. CSMA-CD: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 
  206. CSU/DSU: Channel Service Unit / Digital Service Unit
  207.  CUI: Character User Interface 
  208. DCU: Device Control Unit 
  209. DDE: Dynamic Data Exchange 
  210. DIMM: Dual In line Memory Module 
  211. DIX: Digital Intel and Xerox 
  212. DNA: Digital Network Architecture 
  213. DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory
  214.  DSDD: Double Sided Double Density
  215.  DSHD: Double Sided High Density 
  216. DSSD: Double Sided Single Density 
  217. EDO- RAM: Extended Data Out Random Access Memory
  218. EDS: Electronic Data Storage 
  219. EDSAC: Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer 
  220. EDVAC: Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
  221.  EGA: Enhanced Graphic Adaptor
  222. EMI: Electro Magnetic Interference
  223.  EMS: Expanded Memory
  224.  ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
  225.  EOF: End Of File 
  226. EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  227.  FAX: Facsimile
  228.  FDD: Floppy Disk Drive
  229.  FDDI: Fibre Distributed Data Interface
  230.  FM: Frequency Modulator
  231.  FORTRAN: Formula Translation
  232.  G2C: Government To Citizen
  233.  G2G: Government To Government
  234.  GaAs: Gallium Arsenide
  235.  Gbps: Giga bits per second
  236.  GIF: Graphic Interchange Format 
  237. GIGO: Garbage In Garbage Out
  238.  GIS: Geographical Information System 
  239.  HDD: Hard Disk Drive
  240.  HLCIT: High Level Commission for Information and Technology
  241.  IBM: International Business Machine
  242.  IC: Integrated Circuit
  243.  ICT: Information and Communication Technology
  244.  IMS: Information Management System
  245.  IPX/SPX: Internetwork Packet Exchange / Sequential Packet Exchange 
  246. ISA: Industry Standard Architecture
  247.  ITPDC: Information Technology Park Development 
  248.  ITPF: IT Professional Forum
  249.  LIST: List Processing 
  250. LSI: Large Scale Integration 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Father's Day

A father is every son's first hero and every daughter's first love. That, in itself, is proof that your father is an awesome person and he deserves a medal. He brought you into this world and has done everything in his power to make your life better. He has kept the family together and stayed strong against all odds. A woman always cannot be the queen of her husband  but she is always the princess of her father.

As for every child for me also my dad is a super hero for me. He means the world to me. He has always supported me in each and every part of my life. He was one who always led his shoulder when I cried. He was the one who supported me when all were against me. He was the one to fulfill all my needs and desire. He was the one to hold me for the first time when I was born. So, he is the best father for me and I am gonna try my best to be his best daughter.