Sunday, September 20, 2015


  1. bps: bits per second
  2.  UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair 
  3. STP: Shielded Twisted Pair 
  4. RJ-45: Registered Jack 45 
  5. ST: Straight Tip Connector 
  6. SMA: Screw Mounted Adaptor 
  7. SC: Subscriber Connector
  8.  FC: Ferrule Connector
  9.  NIC: Network Interface Card
  10.  MAC: Media Access Control 
  11. MODEM: Modulator Demodulator
  12.  TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol 
  13. ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
  14.  HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol 
  15. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
  16.  SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 
  17. POP: Post Office Protocol 
  18. PPP: Point to Point Protocol
  19.  CDP: Cisco Discovery Protocol
  20.  LAN: Local Area Network
  21.  MAN: Metropolitan Area Network 
  22. ISP: Internet Service Provider
  23.  WAN: Wide Area Network
  24.  ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency
  25.  ARPANet: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network 
  26. NSF: National Science Foundation 
  27. NSF Net: National Science Foundation Network
  28.  WWW: World WIDE Web
  29. ISOC: Internet Society
  30.  W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
  31. IAB: Internet Architecture Board 
  32. IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
  33. IESG: Internet Engineering Steering Group
  34.  IRTF: Internet Research Task Force 
  35. INIC: Internet Network Information Centre 
  36. Kbps: Kilo bits per second 
  37. ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 
  38. DSL: Digital Subscriber Line
  39.  ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
  40.  HTML: Hypertext Mark up Language
  41.  E-mail: Electronic Mail 
  42. Tel Net: Telecommunication Network 
  43. IRC: Internet Relay Chat
  44.  FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
  45.  URL: Uniform Resource Locator
  46.  UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply
  47.  CVT: Constant Voltage Transformer
  48.  MBR: Master Boot Record
  49.  BIOS: Basic Input Output System 
  50. MUK: Multimedia Upgrade Kit
  51.  3G: Third Generation
  52.  ANSI: American National Standard Institute
  53.  AP: Access Point 
  54. ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  55.  ATM: Automatic Teller Machine
  56.  AV: Anti Virus
  57.  B2B: Business To Business 
  58. BS: Base Station 
  59. BSC: Base Station Controller
  60.  BTS: Base Transceiver Station 
  61. CD: Compact Disk
  62.  CDFC: Compact Disk File System
  63.  CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
  64.  CDR: Compact Disk Rewritable 
  65. CD- ROM: Compact Disk Read Only Memory 
  66. CDR: Compact Disk Recordable 
  67. CA: Certificate Authority 
  68. CGI: Common Gateway Interface 
  69. CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-conductor
  70.  CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check 
  71. C/S: Client / Server 
  72. CSS: Cascading Style Sheet 
  73. DARPA: Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency
  74.  DBMS: Database Management System 
  75. DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  76.  DN:  Domain Name
  77.  DNS: Domain Name System
  78.  DoD: Department of Defence
  79.  DVD: Digital Versatile Disk 
  80. DVDR: Digital Versatile Disc Rewritable 
  81. DVD-ROM: Digital Versatile Disc Read Only Memory 
  82. DVDR: Digital Versatile Disc Recordable
  83.  EDI: Electronic Data Interchange 
  84. EEPROM: Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  85.  FAT: Fine Allocation Cable 
  86. FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation 
  87. FCRA: Fair Credit Reporting Act 
  88. GB: Giga Byte 
  89. GHz: Giga Hertz 
  90. GPL: General Public License 
  91. GPRS: General Packet Radio Service 
  92. GPS: Global Positioning System 
  93. GSM: Global System Mobile Communication
  94.  GUI: Graphical User Interface
  95.  HF: High Frequency
  96.  HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol 
  97. Hz: Hertz
  98.  I/O: Input / Output
  99.  ICF: Internet Connection Firewall
  100.  ICMP: Inter Control Message Protocol
  101.  IDE: Integrated Drive Electronics 
  102. IE: Internet Explorer
  103.  IIS: Internet Information Service
  104.  IM: Instant Messaging
  105.  IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol
  106.  IP: Internet Protocol
  107.  IPV4: Internet Protocol Version 4
  108.  IPV6: Internet Protocol Version 6 
  109. IPX: Internet Packet Exchange
  110.  IS: Information System
  111.  ISO: International Organization for Standardization 
  112. IT: Information Technology
  113.  JPEG: Joint Photographic Expert Group
  114.  KB: Kilo Byte 
  115. KHz: kilo Hertz
  116.  LCD: Liquid Crystal Display 
  117. LED: Light Emitting Diode 
  118. LOS: Line Of Sight
  119.  MB: Mega Byte
  120.  Mbps: Mega bit per second
  121.  MHz: Mega Hertz 
  122. MMC: Multimedia Card 
  123. MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service 
  124. MS-DOS: Microsoft Disk Operating System 
  125. NAT: Network Address Translation
  126.  IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics
  127.  NetBEUI: NetBIOS Extended Users Interface 
  128. NetBIOS: Network Basic Input Output System 
  129. NTFS: New Technology File System 
  130. OLE: Object Linking and Embedding 
  131. OS: operating System 
  132. OSS: Open Source Software
  133.  P2P: Peer to Peer
  134.  PAN: Personal Area Network
  135.  PC: Personal Computer 
  136. PDA:  Personal Digital Assistant 
  137. PDF: Portable Document Format
  138.  PKI: Public Key  Infrastructure
  139.  POPV3: Post Office Protocol Version 3
  140.  PSK: Pre-Shared Key 
  141. PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network
  142.  PUK: Pin Unlocking Key 
  143. R/W: Read / Write
  144.  RDBMS: Relational Database Management System
  145.  RIP: Routing Information Protocol 
  146. MIME: Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension 
  147. SIM: Subscriber Identity Module
  148.  SMS: Short Message Service 
  149. SSL: Secure Sockets Layer
  150.  TB: Tera Byte
  151.  TFT: Thin Film Transistors 
  152. TLD: Top Level Domain
  153.  UDF: Universal Disc Format
  154.  UDP: User Data-gram Protocol 
  155. UHF: Ultra High Frequency 
  156. USB: Universal Serial Bus
  157.  VHF: Very High Frequency
  158.  VLAN: Virtual Local Area Network
  159.  VM: Virtual Machine
  160.  VOIP: Voice Over Internet Protocol
  161.  VPN: Virtual Private Network
  162.  WAP: Wireless Access Point 
  163. WIMAX: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access 
  164. WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network
  165.  WORM: Write Once, Read Many 
  166. WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access
  167.  XML: Extensible Mark up Language
  168.  Bits: Binary Digits 
  169. EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  170.  BCD: Binary Coded Decimal 
  171. UNCITRAL: United Nations  Commission on International Trade Law
  172.  SQL: Structured Query Language
  173.  3D: Third Dimensional
  174.  4GL: Fourth Generation Language
  175.  ABC: Atanasoff Berry Computer 
  176. AI: Artificial Intelligence
  177.  ALU: Arithmetic  and Logic Unit 
  178. AM:  Amplitude Modulation
  179.  ARC Net: Attached Resource Computer Network 
  180. AT: Advanced Technology
  181.  BASIC: Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  182.  BCR: Bar Code Reader
  183.  BMP: Bitmap 
  184. BNC: British Naval Connector OR Bayonet Naur Connector
  185.  BOF: Beginning of File 
  186. CAD: Computer Aided Designing
  187.  CAI: Computer Aided Instructions
  188.  CAL: Computer Aided Learning
  189.  CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing
  190.  CAN: Computer Area Network
  191.  CAT: Computer Aided Training
  192.  CATV: Cable Television
  193.  CAVE: Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
  194.  CBE: Computer Based Education 
  195. CBT: Computer Based Training
  196. CCTV: Closed Circuit Television
  197.  CDA: Colour Display Adaptor
  198. CIS: Computer Information System 
  199. CISC: Complex Instruction Set Computer 
  200. COBOL: Common Business Oriented Language
  201.  CPAV: Central Point Antivirus
  202.  CPS: Characters Per Second 
  203. CPU: Central Processing Unit 
  204. CRT: Cathode Ray Tube 
  205. CSMA-CD: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 
  206. CSU/DSU: Channel Service Unit / Digital Service Unit
  207.  CUI: Character User Interface 
  208. DCU: Device Control Unit 
  209. DDE: Dynamic Data Exchange 
  210. DIMM: Dual In line Memory Module 
  211. DIX: Digital Intel and Xerox 
  212. DNA: Digital Network Architecture 
  213. DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory
  214.  DSDD: Double Sided Double Density
  215.  DSHD: Double Sided High Density 
  216. DSSD: Double Sided Single Density 
  217. EDO- RAM: Extended Data Out Random Access Memory
  218. EDS: Electronic Data Storage 
  219. EDSAC: Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer 
  220. EDVAC: Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
  221.  EGA: Enhanced Graphic Adaptor
  222. EMI: Electro Magnetic Interference
  223.  EMS: Expanded Memory
  224.  ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
  225.  EOF: End Of File 
  226. EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  227.  FAX: Facsimile
  228.  FDD: Floppy Disk Drive
  229.  FDDI: Fibre Distributed Data Interface
  230.  FM: Frequency Modulator
  231.  FORTRAN: Formula Translation
  232.  G2C: Government To Citizen
  233.  G2G: Government To Government
  234.  GaAs: Gallium Arsenide
  235.  Gbps: Giga bits per second
  236.  GIF: Graphic Interchange Format 
  237. GIGO: Garbage In Garbage Out
  238.  GIS: Geographical Information System 
  239.  HDD: Hard Disk Drive
  240.  HLCIT: High Level Commission for Information and Technology
  241.  IBM: International Business Machine
  242.  IC: Integrated Circuit
  243.  ICT: Information and Communication Technology
  244.  IMS: Information Management System
  245.  IPX/SPX: Internetwork Packet Exchange / Sequential Packet Exchange 
  246. ISA: Industry Standard Architecture
  247.  ITPDC: Information Technology Park Development 
  248.  ITPF: IT Professional Forum
  249.  LIST: List Processing 
  250. LSI: Large Scale Integration 

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